Kamal Ekchai Magar

Kamal Ekchai Magar Profile
and Owner/Managing Director of Performing Art Creation Pvt. Ltd.,
Founder President: Jagaruk Youth Club

Date Of Birth: JULY-12
Birth Place: Sukajor-07, Ramechhap.
Education: +2 (Mgmt.)
Film Direction course (Advanced/Diploma)
Creative and performance-driven Film Director with an excellent eye for detail, unparalleled track record of employer satisfaction, deep passion for film, and knowledge of all stages of the filmmaking process.

Desan (The Epidemic) 2022,

Film Awards:
Best Director DESAN (Nepal Rural Film Festival)
Best Director (Jury) DESAN (PIM Nepal Film Festival)
Debut Director DESAN (Spiny Babler international film festival)
Best Debut Director DESAN (Dcine Award 2024)
Best Screenplay DESAN Nepal International Film festival (NIFF) 2024
Best Cultural Video Director RAMDALI (NIM Award 2024)

Executive Member:
Film Directors Guild Of Nepal,
-Association of music industries Nepal.
-Nepal Film Producer’s Association.
-Music and film producer society of nepal.

Email : ekchaimagarkamal@gmail.com
Web: www.pacnepal.com.np